nord wine dinner and nantucket

hey everyone! i know i've not been keeping up my end of the bargain with the whole blogging thing. it's been a crazy year thus far! the restaurant has been so busy and we're planning for our annual trek down to nantucket for the nantucket wine festival next week. ian will be hosting a fantastic wine and food pairing on friday, and, as always, i will be riding his coattails the whole way as i dole out the vino to the thirsty masses. there is nothing better than the wine festival on nantucket just before the summer season kicks off. if you've never been, i highly recommend it. ian will be cooking alaskan black bass two ways, and i'll be pouring some awesome wines to pair. go to for more info. hopefully we'll see you there. my birthday is the 18th so i'll be celebrating "on island", so bring cake!

on wednesday, may 14 we'll be hosting a Nord Vineyards wine dinner at Les Zyg. Chef Connal McCullough has put together a great four course dinner paired with the wines of this highly touted Napa winery. Julie Nord will be here in person to talk about her delicious wines. it kicks off at 7PM and it's 65$ per person (not including tax and tip.) call 617.542.5108 for details and reservations.

this tuesday's weekly wine tasting focuses on the wines of Sonoma. As always, Connal and I will pair four wines with four tasty morsels. we'll eat, drink and be merry as i look forward to our annual unofficial texas hold 'em poker tournament on the ferry to nantucket on thursday. call to reserve. 30$ (tax and tip included!)

i'm all in!