Brett Favre, Martha's Vineyard and Merlot...

No, this is not an episode of Jackie Rogers Jr.'s 10,000 Dollar Jackpot Wad. Rather, some thoughts swirling around inside my head watching the Green Bay vs. Chicago game last night. I was watching my man Brett Favre (QB of my fantasy football league...I'm involved in a highly contested matchup with our business manager and pal o' mine) and drinking some 2004 Hedges Red from Red Mountain, Washington State and it made me think of the bashing Merlot has taken over the last few years (Washington State is famous for their higly extracted and richly flavored merlots, cabs, and syrahs...) Ever since the movie Sideways came out (a small indie flick you probably never heard of) everyone is all of a sudden against merlot. I think it's really unfair. Merlot has been a staple in the wines of Bordeaux for, I don't know, a thousand years and it finds itself in more bottlings of California "Cabernet" than you might think. Under California law, a bottle of wine need only contain 75% of the varietal listed on the bottle. Merlot is often used to flesh out an otherwise weak Cab. Now all of a sudden, offering a glass of merlot is like offering a cup of dirt. "Oh I hate merlot!" Oh yeah? Merlot hates YOU!

My Hedges Red is 62% Merlot, 33% Cab, 3% Cabernet Franc and 2% Petit Verdot--a very Bordeaux-esque blend. It would probably cost about 22 dollars retail and it is AWESOME! Notes of Boisenberry and Black Cherries with Sandalwood and Spice on the nose and flavors of wild berries, black pepper, dust and wood on the palate--very rich--very delicious.

So I'm going to Martha's Vineyard this weekend for the first annual Martha's Vineyard Harvest Festival and I'm on a panel discussing the merits of merlot. This is such a "B-Team" gig. You know that somewhere else in Edgartown, there will be a "Pleasures of Pinot Noir" tasting, but I don't care! I love Merlot and I don't care who knows it! Our fearless leader Ian will be on island as well, hosting a private wine dinner and pairing with wines from Stag's Leap Wine Cellars. Hopefully, I can crash. It's not often I can get Ian to cook me dinner! Check out for details.

Speaking of great California wineries--I'm gearing up for our very cool wine dinner on Tuesday, October 16th. We will be welcoming Michael Keenan from Keenan Vineyards in Napa Valley as he shares some of his wonderful wines alongside a five-course meal paired specifically with the wines. Call 617-542-5108 to reserve.

More later...
Now and Forever,
Your trusted Vino Henchman